pretty funny
I liked the first one... the second one was okay... and the rest was crappy.
pretty funny
I liked the first one... the second one was okay... and the rest was crappy.
sht up
Very good
Great style!
The backgrounds were excellent and the smooth animations were good too.
You use of colors and gradients in Flash is impressive.
Only thing that didnt look so good was the main characters walk animation... it was jerky and didnt really express anything interesting about the character... except that it made him look awkward, so if thats what you were going for than thats okay.... but he seemed to me that he should have had a more lanky, expressive walk.
And the other thing is the bee hive thing swallowing up the one character didnt really make sense.
i totaly agree with the walk thing, i'm pretty new to animation so i guess i'll figure those things out at some point, it's cool to get some crit from someone who obviousley knows what their talking about. as for the bee hive thing you'll have to wait till the next installment to find out what the heck is going on there ;)
Well, put it this way... it made me laugh the second time I watched it. At first, it was like, wtf, is something going to happen here? ....but then you realize the comic timing involved and the delivery approach, stylistically... and that's where this short piece deserves some credit.
Thank you for review.
Joined on 7/25/06